If we build them, God will fill them!


The word CARMA states for Central America Resource Ministry Association. CARMA is a Christ-centered organization that believes every person deserves to live free from the bondage of hunger, abuse, ignorance and exploitation.

As a Christian organization, we commit to this Biblical truth:
“Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world” James 1:27

CARMA MISSION has been serving over the years to enable leaders, families and communities by developing partnerships and sharing the faith, knowledge, and infrastructure that creates self-sustaining legacies of transformation. We partner with established, successful church planting ministries and native believers to spread the Gospel.

CARMA works to amplify the effectiveness of existing ministries and to be a  catalyst to improve the lives of those in the communities we serve. We have found that the best way to impact Central America’s Christian population, is to provide a stable environment for those desiring to worship God, but do not have the financial means to build a place to gather. These buildings are used as town hall, churches, and gathering facilities for the community.

We amplify the effectiveness of existing ministries


We experience the gift of reach out and touch another humans not just with our hands but with our heart


We work to relieve the suffering of the ones in need and promote the transformation of their condition of life


From the unending God’s love, we found our desire to share and impact the entire world


We respond to need whenever and wherever we can, empowered by God’s calling


We never stop, we are always doing something for someone in need. Keep up to date with our work and be encouraged to serve others.